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Hi, I'm Amit Parekh

An Angular Developer... With 4+ years of experience in web design and development, I've become proficient developing scalable and optimized Angular apps. Let's collaborate and turn lines of code into limitless possibilities.

Let's Talk

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Project 1

My Workshop App · Workshop Hosting Platform

Enabling creators to effortlessly host and manage online courses, revolutionizing the way education is delivered and accessed.

  • Angular · Firebase · VimeoAPI
  • Lazy loading modules
  • Efficient cache management
  • Vimeo API to upload videos in chunks
Project 2

Traderinsideme · Content Management System

Robust Content Management System, empowering users to effectively manage and share their insights on stock market trading through personalized blogs.

  • Angular · NodeJS · MongoDB
  • Blog management
  • Role-base access
  • Admin protected blog editor
Project 3

WeCall · P2P Video Calling and Chatting App

A web app designed for secure and private video calling and chatting experiences. It empowers users to connect directly with each other, eliminating the need for intermediary servers.

  • WebRTC · NodeJS · MongoDB
  • Video chat rooms
  • Audio/Video Control
  • Secure peer-to-peer messaging
Project 4

Imagine Outfit · Fashion Outfit Generator

An GPT backed web app that crafts personalized fashion ensembles by considering user preferences and current trends offering a seamless solution for outfit dilemmas.

  • NodeJS · OpenAI · Cheerio · TailwindCSS
  • Web scraping
  • Prompt engineering
  • Dual theme UI with tailwindcss

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